I am totally addicted to twitter. Since starting a few weeks ago it has annihilated facebook as my communication of choice. Despite appearing limited it has many more uses than the claustrophobic, ad ridden, zombie infested facebook site. Hell, there is an rss feed to my twitter to the right.
The ability to update anytime, anywhere, without the hassle that facebook brings is brilliant! Straight from my iPhone to you! And instantly the update of "what I am doing now" appears on my msn, facebook and blogs. All I have to do is bring up Twittee (an iPhone app) and the website does the rest.
And then there is the news feeds, and celebrity inclusions- including Trent Reznor, Brittany Spears, and Russel Brand - are awesome! Ok, not awesome but certainly interesting for the next month or so before something else comes along and leaves twitter users labelled the 'out' crowd, as facebook users are now.
There are educational implications too, check out this! You can create twitters for students to show knowldge of anything that involves change, opinion and time. For instance, the evolution of man in science, the rise of caesar in history and the role Lions play in aesop's fables. Deeper character study? Why not ask students to sign in and create twitter blogs for Vincent in Gattaca or Shylock in The Mechant of Venice? Imagine integrating the RSS feeds into a wiki on the subject being studied and having a list of what the characters are doing today? And what if they can do this from their mobile phones or iPod Touch? (Hence removing the need for any actual ICT equipment in the room).
As with anything software based, it does take some adjustment but the beauty of twitter is that it is actually simple (remember who got you into myspace and facebook and promised "it was easy"? Are you still on speaking terms with them?) There is little more to it than 140 characters to tell the world what you are up to. You can add mobile and quick pics that link to a seperate area but these arent essential.
So for your next social networking adventure, do consider twitter.
Totally off topic but WATCHMEN is out on Thursday! Fairly excited, review soon.
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